The moon holds an unusual fascination for me tonight...
full and clear 'neath the midwest sky...
surrounded by it's convoy of bright twinkling stars...
A beauty too few stop to contemplate...
free, without earthly encumbrances to suffer...
pure and cleansing ~~

Could it's brightness represent the porch light of eternity...
and the stars be just guides to lead us on that final journey???
Those with no hope, might believe so ~~

Or is it just a well lit piece of green cheese,
as our parents teasingly told us when we were inquisitive children???
The educated person has learned otherwise ~~

This theory came to me...
one I want to try to hold close to my heart...
That bright, golden light just might contain the entirety of our individual dreams...
each beam of light holding the hope of every one of those dreams...
From the first wish we made on that light,
to the dream we most recently put into concious thought today...
And the stars surrounding that sphere, in my theory at least,
might be small jewels of our lives that have sustained us,
when the dream seemed impossible to realize...
The smile of an innocent child...
the laughter of an older person, as they relate a humorous life moment...
the grace of love received,
and the wonderful feeling of love given ~~~

I'm going to indulge my fascination of this view once more tonight,
before I ask God to grant me a moments peace,
and to give me the strength in the 'morrow, to fight the good fight,
and continue to reach for my dreams..and yours.
Take a moment of quiet contemplation of your dreams and blessings,
and let me know if my theory has any merit ~~~~

written by: raGGs

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